RULES 2021
True Colors Lab Illustrations Award
International Award for the best Children's book illustration of How to Survive this Spirited Sister!, the second book of the Jayden's Funny Tales series by Tobias Mile following Two Dads Under the Christmas Tree.
A professional Jury will judge the works.
The winner receives $500 and the winning work will be published by True Colors Lab Publishing.The first story of the series "Two Dads Under the Christmas Tree" was published in 12.000 copies last October 2020 and the book is present wherever books are sold???
The award and the resulting picture books will be largely presented to the press.
For many illustrators this award could be the beginning of a successful international career.
Judges will notify their favorite illustration for the cover page and the winner will start drawing all the rest of the illustrations for the boo with autjor suggestions ets etc etc e
• Each illustrator may participate in the contest, notwithstanding nationality or experience. The projects have to meet this requirements:
• Not allowed to participate: members of the jury or their relatives, relatives of writer, staff of TCL.
• The book is intended for children of the age from 2 to 7 years old.
• Participants in the contest guarantee that the submitted work is fully original and was never published before. They also guarantee that they have the full copyright on it and that they can transfer the full rights of first publication to True Colors Lab Publishing.
• The winner will receive $500 and the winning work will be published by True Colors lab Publishing. The jury may however come to the conclusion that no contribution has sufficient qualities to be eligible for award.
• The winning work will be published by True Colors lab Publishing, according to the contract between parties.
• The competing works should be sent digital.
• The deadline of entry is ........
• The submitted works will be judged by a jury of 5 experts at children’s books, including an illustrator. ?????????
• The decision of the jury will be announced on September 19th, 2020.
• The illustrator will have a copy of his work.
• The Winner commit to create other 12 illustrations for the book by........
• The jury decides on all cases where the regulations could have left some doubts. No correspondence will be conducted on the decisions taken. They are irrevocable.
Please make sure the files you upload contain the following requirements:
1. A children’s story Book cover illustration for ages 2 to 7 with the following requirements:
2. An idea wth sketches for the other N pages
3. Illustrations are in colour. The chosen technique is free.
4. Name the files with the title of your work and your name
Book specifications: • 250 x 260 mm • 290 x 210 mm (portrait or landscape) • 235 x 325 mm
The story will be told in exactly 32 pages (cover, end paper and title page not included), starting on the left page. The original drawing should be full size, with a bleed of 5 mm.
The jury will particularly pay attentions to:
a) The artistic qualities of the illustrations.
b) The ability to continue the idea of the 1st Book of the Jayden's Funny Tales series, " Two Dads Under The Christmas Tree"
c) che cosa ancora??????
Application fee:
A non-refundable 50$ application fee is required to participate.
When you pay the application fee we will mail you a copy of the forst Book of the you can have an idea of the previous style and of caracters etc etc pure si potete fa quello che ve pare.
va messo che riceviono per vedere stile libro etc ma che mantengono il loro stile e che appena pagano spediamo. quindi c'e un deadline per iscriversi e po uo per submettere